User API V3 - Overview

Our V3 User API works
with OAuth 2.0

Version 3 of the Sharesight User API allows you to integrate your own application with Sharesight's online portfolio management software. Access is permissioned on a per-user level. With this you can access data in any of the user's portfolios.

The V3 User API is currently in closed beta. Ask your Sharesight contact to enable it for your application. All methods in the API may change as to request parameters and response contents without notice. If deploying an application against this API, please ensure you can make changes to reflect this.

The V3 User API complements the V2 User API and uses the same authentication methods and HTTPS/REST protocol. It has been developed to reflect best practice, fashion and shibboleths current at the time of writing (mid-2018). Application developers will typically use a combination of V3 and V2.x API endpoints.

Documentation Content

Provides basic information and an overview of the Sharesight User API V3.
Configuring OAuth
Lists OAuth credentials and endpoints.
Oauth 2.0 Example
Shows how to obtain, use and refresh access tokens.
Usage Limits
Describes our API rate limits and how to handle them.
User API V3 Endpoints
Lists and describes all endpoints (API reference).

Transaction Logging

Detailed transaction logging is provided. This can prove useful for debugging purposes during the initial setup.

To access this page, log into your Sharesight account and click the settings link (in the top right) and then click on the API tab. The Show Transactions button provides a log of all User API transactions between Sharesight and your organisation. The complete XML/JSON request and response is logged for each transaction, this can be shown by clicking on the Show details link.